Elizabeth Lizzy Savetsky
Fort Worth - Texas
"It’s no secret that I am an accessories lover, and my favorite pieces are the ones that have meaning attached to them. This is the @irememberbracelet. The intricate railroad track design is modeled after those that led so many deaths at Auschwitz, including my children’s great great grandparents. Their blessed memory is part of our family’s legacy that we hope to forever preserve.
The “I Remember Against Genocide Bracelet” not only represents genocide against the Jews, which we have faced throughout the centuries, but it symbolizes human suffering and atrocities against all people, past and present. It serves as both a token of love and remembrance of those lost, and also as a reminder to stand up against hate that can start seemingly small, but ultimately lead to unfathomable tragedy.
The hope of this bracelet is that it reminds the wearer and those around him or her that we have an obligation to use our voices for those who no longer have one. May we live compassionately, with our eyes opened and seek justice for those whose cries have been silenced!
A portion of your purchase is invested for social missions. "

Elizabeth Lizzy Savetsky
Fort Worth - Texas

Dana Arschin
Long Island - NY
"The most beautiful bracelet from @irememberbracelet has arrived! This bracelet represents train tracks similar to those at Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps. The designer, Bonnie Glogover, is the daughter of an Auschwitz survivor. Her father, Stanley, miraculously survived medical experiments performed on him by notorious Nazi doctor Josef Mengele’s cohorts. This ‘I REMEMBER AGAINST GENOCIDE’ bracelet is dedicated to all genocide victims. It’s meant to invoke meaningful dialogue between the wearer and those who look upon it. My Poppy’s signature and his Auschwitz prisoner #143499 are both engraved on this bracelet. I will always wear it and continue to share his story ❤"

Poppy Nat Ross
Professional photo by Brian Marcus

Dina Koutroumanis
New Haven - CT
"I am proud to wear my beautiful I REMEMBER bracelet as a reminder that we must never forget the atrocities of the Holocaust and any genocide committed against humanity. I believe it's my duty to try and educate others, and remember those who lost their lives and all of the families that feel this loss every day. The bracelet is a beautiful work of art and testament to the fight against genocide throughout the world - past, present, and future. Thank you Bonnie for your tireless dedication to this important mission."

Dina Koutroumanis
New Haven - CT
“ I Remember Against Genocide, What this bracelet means to me...is more than one would imagine...
It is in short, a symbol of love and respect. In Depth, well... there is no easy answer. I believe it is a conversation that must be had and never be forgotten.

Sarah Mare
Lifta - Palestine
"The I REMEMBER bracelet brings my late husband, Stanley, closer to my heart . It also helps me remember All the victims of genocide who are never to be forgotten."

Joanie Glogover
NYC - New York
My bracelet honors my SABA’S continuing life and legacy. He is Dr. Mordecai Paldiel, a leading scholar on the rescue of Jews during the Holocaust. As a child, he and his family moved to various parts of occupied France. In September 1943, with the help of the Catholic cleric Simon Gallay, his parents, five siblings and him fled to Switzerland, where they stayed until the war’s end, then moved to the USA, and settled in Brooklyn. He would go onto earn an MA and PhD in Holocaust Studies, at Temple University. My Saba, Dr. Mordecai Paldiel was the director of Yad Vashem’s Department of the Righteous in Jerusalem from 1984 until his retirement in 2007. Thousands of Righteous Among the Nations were recognized during my Saba’s tenure at Yad Vashem including the priest who saved his families life. "

Sophie Flicker
New Jersey
"To honor my Grandfather who fought in WWII and was a POW. I believe it is important to keep the conversation alive in regards to holocaust and genocide so that it's not forgotten and history therefore does not repeat itself. By wearing a beautiful and intricate bracelet such as this one, the conversation is sparked in a natural manner and the deeper meaning then presented."

Alissa Beth Sweeney
New Jersey
"I wear my bracelet in honor of my grandfather who stormed the beaches of Normandy and liberated a concentration camp, for his country and his belief in freedom. His spirit of courage and perseverance is with me daily and helps me stay strong in moments of challenge. This bracelet helps his story live on."

Jackie Miller
Encinitas - CA
“ I wear the I REMEMBER bracelet to honor and celebrate the life of our adored dad, Stanley Glogover. Dad survived the Holocaust after loosing 28 members of his family. Dad was a beautiful person, loving, caring and a strong soul. I will forever celebrate his existence. It is my honor to have been part of his life. I will never forget #81481.“

Norma De La Garza
Tampico - Mexico
"I proudly wear my I REMEMBER bracelet with my maiden name-TRAURIG- engraved on the inside, alongside my dad, Jack, his elegant inscription…I wear my I REMEMBER bracelet on my left wrist, as a visual reminder of the survival, against all odds, of my beloved dad who survived the torture of 3 concentration camps. I wear this bracelet as a visual reminder of my dad’s memory that is forever engraved in my heart-A man of abundant kindness, gentleness and love. I wear this bracelet as a visual reminder of my grandparents, aunts, uncles and extended family who were murdered with no known resting place. I wear this bracelet and touch the imprint of the railroad tracks to remind me of their long, exhausting, suffocating and harrowing journey to an unknown hell on earth. I wear this bracelet to evoke questions and curiosity to reflect and learn of a time I cannot logically process. I wear this bracelet to pass on to my daughter to carry on the precious memory of the TRAURIG name and all the honor and meaning -attached to it.
I also wear this bracelet to symbolize the circle of life and continuity, as my fingers trace the circumference of the bracelet….Struggle, survival, renewal, perseverance, belief, hope, faith and endurance."

Suzanne Salner
Brooklyn - NY
"My I REMEMBER bracelet - A reminder that we must never forget the atrocities of the Holocaust. I purchased this bracelet as a tribute to my Uncle Abe, a brilliant, loving man and a survivor of Auschwitz. His family perished (all except a brother) but their memory lives on. We must continue to tell the stories for our loved ones. I wear this bracelet proudly, and lovingly remember the sacrifice of so many souls. "

Debbie Plavner Delaney
Philadelphia - PA
"I proudly wear my I REMEMBER bracelet in honor of my beloved mother and grandmother who survived Bergen Belsen and my great aunt who survived both Theresienstadt and its liquidation to Auschwitz. I wear it in loving memory of the grandfather I never knew, who, not as fortunate as his sister-in-law, was murdered upon his arrival at Auschwitz. I wear it to honor the memory of the six million innocents who perished mercilessly at the hands of the Nazis. I wear it because Anti-Semitism is at an all-time high, and if we're not vigilant, history will repeat itself. Why do I remember? Because for the good of humanity, forgetting is not an option."

Rhonda Fink-Whitman
Philadelphia - PA
“ My heirloom bracelet is very special to me, especially as an Armenian woman. It represents the souls of the millions of lives lost in genocides. I wear it remembering their lives and continue to live my life with gratitude. The many innocent victims, of genocide had life taken from them. This bracelet is a simple gesture saying...I remember you, I will never forget you."

Isabelle Tarikyan
Istanbul - Turkey
"My I REMEMBER bracelet keeps the love of the Doliner /Kanfer family alive for the loved ones I knew, and for the ones I never met… I Remember."

Richelle Doliner
Daytona Beach - FL
“I always tell my son to forgive easily, but never to forget! I wear my I REMEMBER bracelet to honor all, whose lives were forever changed, due to the Holocaust and genocide. I also wear my bracelet as a symbol of my commitment to them, that we will never forget their great pain, sorrow, and struggles. Today, tomorrow, and always, they are, and will always be, remembered as our heroes!”

Rita Vaccaro
Agrigento Sicily - Italy
"For me, the I REMEMBER bracelet is a sign of hope - for a future when humans around the world embrace love rather than hate."

Kendall Messick
Dover - Delaware
"My father got me the I REMEMBER bracelet as a gift for my college graduation. One of the focal points of my college experience was studying the history of the Holocaust in Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic. With 27 other students and 2 professors, I visited these countries for 3 weeks and witnessed several concentration and death camps. While it was a difficult experience, I am grateful that I can continue to share what I learned with others. This bracelet represents my mission to never forget! Thank you! "

Melissa Denish
Elkins Park - PA
"Always remembering is a lifelong practice that must be accompanied by a mission to find a way to help someone else each and every day. Never forget the past and always work toward a better future for humankind. My I REMEMBER bracelet ls worn on my wrist and lives in my heart."

Jeffrey Cohen
Yonkers - NY
"All I think about is my family name, and it must be carried out because of the atrocities which occurred upon them It is my duty and my footprint to carry on the family name and this is how I remember them, for their sake. "

Michael Raphael
Brooklyn - NY
"This is a wonderful way to honor those who don’t have a voice and have suffered because of the horrors of ethnic cleansing. Every time I glance down at my wrist, I take a moment to remember to commemorate the memories of so many innocent souls- I reflect on the meaning behind this message so I never forget. I am in total awareness of the senseless pain and anguish too many have to endure. "

Marilyn Epstein
Brooklyn - NY
“I wear the I REMEMBER bracelet with pride. It was passed down from my grandma Marilyn Epstein who previously wore it. This bracelet means so much to me because of the history it signifies, my grandma and our stand against genocide.“

Sydney Bohm
New York City - NY
"The I REMEMBER bracelet is very important to me. It is very meaningful. I am wearing my bracelet to honor my father who during WWII, under the German guns, had to dig his own grave to be executed. Because the allied forces started bombing the area, the Germans left in a hurry, running for their life, and left my father. My father’s life was never the same again. I am wearing my bracelet to honor Stanley Glogover and all the people whose lives were changed forever due to the Holocaust! I am wearing my bracelet to honor every soul that lost their life in WWII under the Germans rule. I am wearing my bracelet to keep the conversation going and talk to young people, our children, and grandchildren to never forget!"

Teresa Wlazlinski
Warsaw -Poland
“Our mother, Luba Felman, survived the holocaust in her late teen years. The bracelet is a reminder of how she survived and how she managed, as a single parent, to raise twin daughters in the United States. The bracelet rail tracks design reminds us that her parents took the train to a death camp and she and her sister were allowed to live, hiding from the Germans. She survived all of that and still provided a good home for us. The words “I Remember” are our memories of her struggles and her strengths throughout the years. She was a devoted mother and a strong-willed independent woman that we can remember with pride."

Ruth Weinberg and Naomi Perle
Florence - Italy
“I bought two beautiful I REMEMBER bracelets for my Mom and Aunt to remember my grandmother Luba Felman. The train tracks of the bracelet symbolize the survivor that she was and all that she lost. I wanted my Mom and Aunt to have this bracelet to remember their Mom and the special relationship they had. Her signature is engraved on the inside of the bracelet. Now they always have a piece of my grandmother with them. They have done so much for me and I wanted to do something special for them. Our family has been through a lot and survived. “